TAPA TSR 1 Transport
Looking for secured transport at the highest level?
Topspeed has this specific service to offer you. We have years of experience in transporting valuable goods. Therefore, we are TAPA TSR 1 certified. This means that Topspeed meets the highest requirements for transporting valuable goods. See the vehicles available for all the safety measures available within our fleet
- Vehicles in very good and tidy condition and fully equipped
- All vehicles connected to the emergency room
- If required, transports can be accompanied with a follow-up car / escort
- Remote Locks, Cargo doors can only be opened after authorization of the planning department
- Qualified employees
- 24/7 monitor center
- Anti-Jamming
Interested? Please contact us for more information, or request a quote.
If you are not familiar with the TAPA-associatie, Please visit their website for more information. https://www.tapa-global.org/
Topspeed - Renault Kangoo Maxi
- TAPA TSR1 Certified
- Live view camera (Front & Rear)
- Certified Alarm system with Anti Jamming
- Fully closed cargo area with secondary protection
- Extremely suitable for quick transport, through speed and a low price per kilometer.
- TAPA TSR1 Certified
- Live view camera (Front & Rear)
- Certified alarm system with Anti-Jamming
- Fully closed cargo area with secondary protection
- Extremely suitable for quick transport, through speed and a low price per kilometer.
- Extremely suitable for quick transport with a larger volume, Tail lift possibility if necessary.
- TAPA TSR1 Certified
- Live view camera 360 degrees.
- Certified alarm system + Anti Jamming
- Fully closed cargo area with secondary protection
- Extremely suitable for dedicated deliveries